How quickly your vehicle charges may be limited by the EV’s acceptance rate or your electrical panel. Consider the following to maximize your charging speed:
Electrical Panel: Identify the max breaker size your panel can handle. Your circuit breaker must be rated to at least 125% of the charger amperage output. (Ex: 40A charging/50A breaker)
Acceptance Rate: Vehicles cannot charge faster than their max acceptance rate, which is measured in kWh. Easily adjust your charger output to the maximum amperage your vehicle or electrical panel can accept.
Future Considerations: Adjusting amperage provides the ability to upgrade to faster charging in the future if your vehicle or panel requirements change. If upgrading your electrical now, consider future proofing the wiring for higher amperage charging in the future.
Changing Amperage: Easily adjust amperage output to simplify installation while maximizing the charging speed for your home or vehicle. Choose between 16A, 24A, 32A, 40A, 48A, and 50A charging outputs.